Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can teenagers write--without texting?

Just yesterday, a group of Juniors at a local High School took the A.C.T.,  paid for and mandated by the state of North Carolina.  To my son this was a  torture test, to me it was vindication.  Currently the North Carolina only requires half a year of English classes for Juniors and Seniors.  Having to take the A.C.T. will give North Carolina a more appropriate view of the skills, or lack thereof, these children are receiving in their final years of High School.

In the age of a new written language, specifically designed by today's teenagers through texting, the written form of English is going through a metamorphosis. The written and spoken forms of English have always adapted to the nuances of each generation, but the ability to express themselves adequately through the written word is in danger. Today's teenagers spend more time learning a second language than they do learning how to write papers, documents and other forms of communication that will be necessary in a business world.  

Regardless of what the state finds out from this mandated testing; I hope they realize how desperately they  need to bring back a full year of English / Writing for each school level. ;)

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