Wednesday, August 15, 2012

School Carpool, Senior Year,....and final justice!

Most of my blogs have been lost in space, which is great for this time of year, school carpool lanes.  I don't have the luxury of erasing my history with the teacher who likes to sit literally on the front bumper of my V-8 ML500.....okay bad grammar here....notice the V-8 part of the car, SUV, and about 7 years old...(car and teacher's apparent age equivalent)...who else would keep up this kind of hate to hate relationship for so long?  Well me.

I got a break from aforementioned teacher last year in December when my oldest son,  finally had the money to pay for his "new to him" car. He saved me from the afternoon traffic nightmare by driving himself and his siblings home. I only had to drive the morning shift!  This luxury is over.

I counted on at least one full year, his Senior year,  of freedom from the daily treachery of driving!  I wouldn't have to deal with  waiting, pushing, honking, finger pointing and gesturing!  He is a Senior, home stretch, he drives safely enough that I have sent him to pick up his siblings.  So it felt like a slap to the face when I found out that he would leave the HS at noon to head to the local college!  Why can't he be simultaneously in two places at once?  Is college that important?

Doesn't my son care more about me?   Or does he desperately want to see me in jail for a finale to this feud? Eye for an Eye kind of justice?

My husband gave me the go ahead to give the teacher a gentle push, and in the same breath, said he and the kids would be fine with me in jail. (Really? who would pick up the kids then?)  He also assured me 2 visits at the prison, before the quick divorce.

There was also one other request,  if I am going to commit a felony-- to please have the desperately dirty deed done, before my 40th birthday --October.  (Saving him the cost and drama of dealing with a wife who desperately wants to do something MEMORABLE for the big 40!)

So what will I do?

 Not sure!

 Senior Orientation is Mandatory for graduation!,  The over-empowered, bumper-sitting, conniving  teacher; (the only teacher my son has for class at the HS)  and I will meet face to face Monday inside the school.

 I can't bring my car in the auditorium,  but I have my 400 pound, hill climbing,  bone-crushing,  25 -miles an hour wheelchair-- locked and loaded.

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