Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dance Moms-no longer just Abby Lee Miller

Abby Lee move over, Lifetime announced that coming in April there would be another show, Miami Dance Moms.  Abby Lee Miller will be doing some competing of her own. When a show draws in viewers like Dance Mom does, I should have been prepared for the announcement  of the new show.  Miami Dance Moms will probably have a similar winning combination.  For example, a caustic dance teacher combined with kids fighting to be the top dancer, and moms willing to do everything to help their child succeed.

As long as Lifetime doesn't end up with a dance show in every city;  the fans will eagerly watch another dance group.  Unlike the surprise hit Survivor which went into at least ten seasons, Dance Moms cast of characters will only make it another couple years, because there's one thing that money and fame can't stop...puberty.

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